
Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Palin Shmalin

I was undecided about posting this... It's sarcastic and insulting and not similar to anything else I've written. However, I'm not in the business of trying to change minds; that's not my intention. This blog was made for me to release my thoughts, and that is what I'm doing. So I hope we can still be friends.

Unfortunately and, much to my dismay, I am forced to take Sarah Palin seriously. Maybe it's because I live in Ohio and all you have to do is wear camouflage in order to get elected, but it seems like people think she'd be a great idea. You know what I think? I think that if she got elected for anything other than prom queen we would be a country with a retard for president with no vocabulary and a stupid sounding accent. Yep, I'm alluding to "you know who." We would be a country who were, once again, left asking ourselves, "how did we elect this person . . . what were we thinking?" I loath her; it's not just because my farts make more sense than her speeches, but because I vehemently oppose "The Palin Doctrine." Oh, and I do, in fact, mean her "world view." I printed out one of her speeches I found on the Tea Party website and my intention, at first, was to completely expose and poke fun at her rhetorical style. In other words, I wanted to prove how she strings together words with strong positive connotations in order to make people feel all warm inside while managing to make no sense otherwise. Sort of, a cheerleader-type person. However, aside from being trite, I found a much more pressing issue hidden in her words.

It has occurred to me that education and art is under attack. George Carlin once said that our government doesn't want a population of people who are intelligent and well educated. That would make it harder to polarize our perception of reality increase our ability to think critically. I hate to be so partisan, but that is exactly what the conservative movement is about. Making it a stigma to be educated and compassionate and then using the resulting "ignorant masses" to vote against themselves.

I noticed the war on education at an early age. My family members (now, mostly Ron Paul supporters)would criticize education, especially college education. "Liberal arts" were dirty, dirty words and synonymous with "communist" as far as they were concerned. Ron Paul wants to privatize education and not squander our tax money on frivolous things like "learnin." Because, in a polarized world-view, you can't have social programs without being full-blown socialists. Bush tried to eliminate federal funding such as the Perkins Loan, which assists lower income students. And, in Palin's speech, she criticized Obama for being educated of all things! Just like conservatives did to John Kerry when he ran in 2004. While Bush was pluralizing "internet," Kerry was being ACCUSED of sounding "too smart." Here we are, not learning from the mistakes of our past, rewarding Palin with applause for negatively calling Obama a "professor." WTF people? Yeah, I want people who read the newspaper to make decisions for our country. Sorry if that makes me an elitist.

Furthermore, compassion is also a nonsense word to most conservatives I know. It's naive and inefficient to feel empathy for people. Just like when Obama tried to resuscitate diplomacy in Washington. God forbid we stop stiff-arming everyone and actually listen. Conservatives in Washington have one tool and that's a hammer paired with a self-righteous view and Christian values (a nauseating combo). Palin asked her audience, "How's that hopey-changey stuff working out?" The lame attempt at word play signifies the lack of value she places on the concepts. During war time we want a Commander in Chief, she exclaimed to wild applause. A rugged, take-no-shit Maverick, is what it takes to be a leader. So, apparently, Hope, change and compassionate diplomacy are too feminine and weak, and critical thinking is too elitist. Hey, how about we take a bunch of anti-education Christians with a superiority complex and watch them shove contradictory values down everyone's throat! Oh, wait. . .


  1. i wouldn't take her too seriously. now as for your feelings about Conservatives, well, that's another matter to discuss.....

  2. Wow! Hope she never comes within stone throwing distance of you.
