
Monday, July 19, 2010

I Will Blog Your Pants Right Off!

There was a time not so long ago that I was an aerobics instructor, softball player, volleyball player... well, any type of "player" I could be, really. Anytime there was a spare moment I was out pretending to be an Olympian. I spent my childhood driving from one practice to another, always accompanied my a doting mother who wore "proud parent" shirts to all my games. However, I was recently diagnosed with "frozen shoulder," which is an unfortunate loss of mobility in my left shoulder. This ailment, most common in women over sixty, prevents me from my love of exercise. Now, I need a new sport. Maybe one that will be a better fit for my age group.

So here I am, folks! My exciting debut into the glitz and glamor of blogging! It will hit news stands today and you had better get there early because they won't last long! Actually, let's face it, blogging is something you do for yourself. It is a cathartic activity made for people who are opinionated and probably offensive. So you will see that, for me, blogging was inevitable. I tend to be slightly abrasive. I have a lot to say about everything and my censor button blew a fuse. I am not bossy or overwhelming and I don't always think I'm right, but I do love my ever-changing opinions. World-views and perceptions of reality are constantly changing for [almost] everyone, and as long as I have ideas living and dying inside me, I will let them out to dance.

So, here ya go world... Or, here ya go five people I expect to read this! And, that's counting my Mom twice. No matter what I write my Mom will consider it genius. She may print off the text and have it made into a t-shirt. It's a Mom thing- they like their kids. I'm pretty sure I could be a toothless Walmart employee who uses the word 'bath' as a verb and she would still think I was the most phenomenal human alive. This will come in handy since the political diatribes that are bound to ensue will definitely not sit well with everyone. Hopefully, I will lure a few stray readers outside my immediate family and they can love me or hate me, as long as they are moved.

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